Saturday, December 31, 2016

The Final Film Review of the Year!

I am pleased to announce that the final anime review has been posted on the review page. This one is honor of an anime icon who passed too soon in his career, but left an amazing legacy as a director. I hope you enjoy the review!
I'll see you guys next year!

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Anime #2 is Here!

The second anime review has been posted on the other page. Go check it out, it's another '90s classic.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Anime Review #1 is Posted

Hello followers, I'm pleased to inform that the first ever Anime review has been posted on the movie review page. Go check it out, it's a classic.
Here's the Link:

Friday, December 2, 2016

A Colorful Month

Hello fellow moviegoers, for this month there's going to be a change. I will still be posting movie reviews, but this time they will be coming from the land of the rising sun. During the month of December, I will be reviewing Anime movies from both the '90s and the '2000s. This time around there be no films from the sci-fi genre, instead I'm focusing more on the fantasy genre, ending with a Christmas review. I've been into Anime for the past few years and I want to show you guys what sort of movies I've seen. I hope you find these films to your liking.
Here's the hint: